Terms of service

At this current stage, our website’s only purpose is for people to advertise and sell their Skyblock accounts to others. We do not middleman or oversee any trades that happen within this selling forum. In the near future, we will begin to offer middleman services, but for now, it is up to you to either find a reputable middleman or risk the trade on your own. We do, however, have the ability to ban members who are known to be scammers with sufficient evidence. All this website offers is a trading platform for users to advertise accounts. Listed below are recommended middlemen to use for your deals.

Let’s be fair

Because fashion need to be fair, always

Let’s be for all

Discover why and how our shop is totally inclusive

Let’s clean up

Discover our sustainability initiatives

We really love our tribu.

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Read all testimonials >

Martha Ramos
Customer from 2007

“Here I can find original items, low prices without to lose quality or sustainability. Love it!“

High quality and low cost

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50K Happy Customers

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A transparent Refund policy

Fusce gravida ut nisi et facilisis. Nullam ut mi fermentum, posuere dolor id, ultricies ipsum. Duis urna ipsum, tincidunt ut lorem.